Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Burlesque Venus: Happy birthday Tempest Storm

Nice muff

It must be curious being born on 29th February but that is the case for burlesque legend Tempest Storm who was born on this day in 1928.

Tempest shows off her 21 inch waist

Born Annie Blanche Banks (she later changed her name legally to Tempest Storm) in Georgia she had already been married and divorced twice by the time she was twenty.  Heading to California, at the age of 22, she worked as a cocktail waitress and then a chorus girl before her 40-21-38 figure saw her ride the tail end of the burlesque era as one of its last great performers.  In fact she is the last great performer as she was still appearing in Las Vegas shows as recently as 2010 at the age of eighty two!

Rumoured to have had associations with John F Kennedy, Sammy Davis Jr and Elvis Presley, she married another two times.  She had her impressive bust insured for $1 million by Lloyd's of London in the nineteen fifties.  She was always part of the burlesque tradition that left something to the imagination and famously walked out of the Raymond Revuebar in London when she saw that the other dancers didn't wear g-strings.

So, happy 21st birthday Tempest!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Two new milestones

Venus Observations passed two more milestones in the last week or so.  

Firstly, we topped more than two hundred followers, which we could never have imagined when we started this blog in late 2005.  The blog has now been running six years and four months.  Secondly, we have just reached two and three quarter million page views.  We get something like 5,000 page hits a day and between 1,500 and 2,500 separate visitors.  Triple P is very grateful for all those who visit and, in particular, comment.  It really does encourage us to put more stuff up!

Anyway, by way of celebration, here is a picture we have had floating around in our "to post" section for some time without ever really finding an excuse to do so.  It is the actress Lynn Collins who we saw recently in X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) and who is to play Dejah Thoris in the forthcoming John Carter (2012) film.  There have been comments online to the effect that the Texan born actress isn't attractive enough to play "the incomparable Dejah Thoris" who in the Edgar Rice Burroughs books goes about mostly naked, apart from a few bits of jewellery.  It's a Disney film, however, so she will be very much clothed but not, as we can see, because she does not look good without clothes.  Still, Texan-born Lynn is an experienced Shakespearean actress so we will see what she can do with the role.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Centerfold Venus of the Month: Tamara Kapitas update

The purpose of this site is to celebrate erotic images of women and the real women who are the subject of these images, whether photographs or artwork.  Sadly, nude images have been, and remain in some unenlightened societies, to be images of shame.  A less threatening image than a naked body we cannot imagine, we have to say. 

Our particular friend S makes comments about the pernicious influence of the fourth century Christian church, whose activities and pronouncements sought to diminish women's role and importance in society. Certainly, over time, human society has evolved from one worshipping a mother goddess to one of a male dominated pantheon.  We are currently reading Robert Graves novel The Golden Fleece which, interestingly, posits the idea of a Greece of Triple Goddess worshippers being displaced by barbarian invaders from the north and their male chief god, Zeus, and his cohorts (or, more properly, perhaps, phalanxes).

We would not, therefore want to upset any of our subjects, particularly if things they did when they were younger continue to impact negatively on their lives today.  We are grateful to those ladies who posed in the men's magazines from the fifties to the eighties, especially as this was at a time when societal negativity to such actions was stronger than it is today.  We suspect the girls who pose today, who are more likely to be part of an organised sex industry which is their primary source of income, do not have the same issues as their pioneering sisters. The latter girls, blessed with exceptional bodies and seeing an opportunity to make some easy money from them to fund, for example, college fees, were more likely to be "the girl next door".  What none of them could have foreseen was an internet that made their pictures easily available decades later when they had thought that they were posing for a disposable magazine that would be forgotten and unavailable in a few months.  We are also under no misapprehension that many of these girls, who were often very young, were exploited by older and more powerful men.   

It is for these reasons, therefore, that we have removed some of the pictures of Tamara Kapitas from our recent Centrefold of the Month post and all of the material relating to her subsequent career.   Miss Kapitas has been in touch with us and pointed out that detractors were using her Penthouse pictorial to attack her current work.

She kindly shared some information about her shoots for Playboy and Penthouse which we have incorporated into the re-edited piece here.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Engaged Venus: The Betrothed by John William Godward

The Betrothed (1892)

As it's Valentine's Day today we thought we would go for a nice, romantic image.  Agent Triple P attended an event at the Guidhall Art Gallery last night where they have a small but significant collection of Pre-Raphaelite and classicist paintings.  Latterly most of these have been buried in the basement but we were pleased to see that they have now been restored to the main floor once more.

Of these, Triple P's favourite is The Betrothed by John William Godward which was painted in 1892 whilst he was living in Chelsea; one of sixteen paintings he produced that year.

A typically langorous Godward girl contemplates her engagement ring in an equally typical marble-ous Mediterranean setting.  This painting marks the first appearance in one of Godward's paintings, of the spotted stola around her hips.  It would appear in many more of his pictures, which makes you wonder whether it was an actual piece of costume from his studio.

Sir Harry Vanderpant

This was also the first of Godward's paintings that ended up in a major gallery. It was bought by Sir Harry Sheil Elster Vanderpant (1866-1955), later the Lord Mayor of Westminster, who gave it to the Guildhall Art Gallery in 1916.

It's quite a small painting, just 24 inches across, but confers the idea that she is thinking about her man extremely well.  Godward has rendered the leopard skin superbly in this.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pubic Wars update: Pubic Wars 8,1976 Part 2

Dana from Club, June 1976

Having recently updated and expanded Part 1 of of the Pubic Wars for 1976 we have done the same for Part 2 which can be found here.

We have also indexed all the episodes in the sidebar to the right.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pubic Wars update: 1976 Part 1

From Oui March 1976

Someone asked where the  1976 part 1 post on the Pubic Wars was recently but we have been editing and expanding it.  Also there were some coding problems in the original version. 

It is now back on the blog in much expanded form here.

Venus Revealed: The Pubic Wars 8 1976 Part 1

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